Last weekend the Jarrell family (minus Bryer) packed up and headed out for a much needed vacation! As with everything that Hunter does, I, of course was BEYOND excited for him to see the beach! Just like typical Hunter - he seemed to love it! That boy has no care in the world! I couldn't adore him more! Enjoy our trip! :)
As always, as soon as we hit the road little man started sleeping. It was about a four hour drive so I was hoping that he would nap for the majority of the way.
"Mom, I'm too excited to sleep!" |
My hopes were wrong - little booger woke up about 45 minutes into the trip!
Not to worry, we were back asleep again shortly!
This is his new thing, he has to talk to you with his tongue hanging out. It's absolutely hilarious!
It down poured for a lot of the way there. Hunter loved watching the rain on the windows! I have to brag just a bit. He was awake for a good 2+ hours and didn't even whine! I'm not sure I know of many other 6 month olds that can tolerate their car seat that well! He's just a rockstar!
The Jarrell Family made it to Myrtle Beach! While we were checking in, the lady behind the desk asked to take a picture of Hunter because he was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. Then Craig told me she was a baby snatcher and was going to come take Hunter in the middle of the night especially since she has his picture. I slept with one eye open!
Hunter's first time in the sand!
Touching the ocean for the first time. Except that you will notice Mom got nervous and picked him up so the water didn't touch him!
There we go! And we're LOVING it!
Waiting to eat at Joe's Crab Shack at 8:00 at night - which is his bedtime! Like I said, this kid is a trooper!
We had an interesting experience at Joe's. Apparently something/someone pooped in the floor right near our table. You can only imagine the smell in that place! The staff was all arguing over who would have to clean up this poo. It was terrible - Craig and I were not happy!
Daddy and Hunter at Joe's!
When we got home I had to pump and wash bottles. I asked Craig to play with H because I figured he wouldn't go to sleep right away. When I came out of the bathroom this is what I saw!
Hunter LOVES the pool!
First time playing in the sand! The waves were crashing right on his little chest and he could've cared less! He just sat there!
Have you seen a cuter kid??
"What is this stuff, Dad?" |
More pool time to wash off the sand!
We had to walk to the ocean this time!
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen. Your eyes are not deceiving you. I am sitting in the sand. I know everyone in my family just had a heart attack!
As you can imagine, this made Mom a little nervous!
We had to play in the dry sand, too, to make sure Hunter got the full beach experience!
We had to let the muscles hang out just a little bit before we went back to the room!
Someone was a little tired! We came in, took a bath, I got soap in his eye, which KILLED me, then he had to take a nap!
He can almost pull himself up to stand!
Way too big!
Our next adventure!
Hunter and Daddy checking out some fish!
Watching the sharks!
Daddy touching the stingrays..
So Hunter had to touch the rocks!
Playing around in Lids!
We went to dinner at Benjamin's - my all time favorite sea food buffet - and H decided to sleep. He had had enough! Then I gave him mashed potatoes to try, and he threw up! I felt HORRIBLE!
The last day we ate at Margaritaville before heading out. Hunter decided to have a blowout while we were there!
It's 5 o'clock somewhere!
The Jarrell Family says goodbye to the beach..
See you in September!
The beach wore him out - he slept the entire way to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Uncle J and H!
Play time with Grandpa!
My men!
Enjoying dinner outside!
The Jarrell Boys
I left Hunter with the boys and this is what happened..
HEY! Where you going with that?
Absolutely exhausted from his trip! He slept the entire way home!
I just love my little family!