We go into the doctors office and I get up on the table. The doctor was nice enough to warm up the gel for me! She puts the machine on my belly and there is our little baby up on that screen! The whole time the doctor kept complaining because the baby was in such a tight little ball and so squished together that it was hard for her to see everything. She kept poking my belly so the baby would move, but the baby didn't move when she wanted it to! She did end up getting everything she needed though, half the things she looked at I couldn't even recognize. The only thing that stood out to me clearly was the spine - and it didn't look crooked like mine! Everything looked normal - shew! His humorous and his stomach were a little bigger than they should be but she said they probably just got a bad measurement because he was so bunched up! At least I have something to worry about for the next 4 months (haha)! She also said that I'm carrying a little low - but that will probably fix itself as baby grows - if not, the worst thing that could happen would be that I would have to have a c-section. Doesn't sound too bad!
She saved the fun part for last - letting us know if it was a boy or a girl! Apparently she had seen "the parts" earlier but kept it from us! Then she zoomed right in on "the parts" and there were BOY PARTS!!
I could not be more excited!! You know me, I had to know for sure so I said "Really? How can you tell? I can't see anything!" She said "Seriously? It's plain as day!" Then she ran her mouse right over top of it, then I figured it out!
Then she switched the machine to 4D and zoomed right in on his face so we could get a better view of things. We watched him open and close his mouth several times and move his hands all around! It was so crazy to watch!
Here are some of the pictures. Keep in mine that these are pictures I took on my phone of the printouts that we received - so they aren't the best but I still wanted to share!
A little footprint. (yes, I counted the toes, I am crazy, I admit to it)
Mouth wide open! He already takes after his Dad!
Still moving his mouth!
This one already makes my heart melt, he is smiling!
Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy! It goes by WAY TOO FAST and you will look back and smile as you see others go through what you are now. As you can probably tell that is what I am doing now. It's soooo amazing and wonderful! As for the labor and delivery part...it will be what it will be and you will get your little baby in the end! :O) PS - It's not as bad as EVERYONE makes it out to be.